Artist Talks - Dave Heath
Dave Heath Talk – The Photographers’ Gallery
As a part of my professional development planning blog, I was required to attend multiple talks in regard to my studies, at galleries, in order to gain further insight into the photography industry and what it’s like to be working within it. I decided to attend a talk at The Photographers’ Gallery in London, online, discussing and showcasing the work of Dave Heath, which also tied in with the workshop they were having at the gallery called ‘The Intimate Gaze: capturing emotion and gesture in portraits’ run by Alejandra Carles-Tolra. Dave Heath was a documentary and street photographer from America, who is most known for his project called ’A Dialogue with Solitude’ which was shown and discussed in the talk put on by The Photographers’ Gallery. Dave Heath’s work focuses on the creation of narrative through street, portraiture, and documentary photography. By focusing on these themes, his work links to the theme of narrative as he used the emotions captured on his sitters’ faces to tell a story.His focus on these themes and the subject within his
photographic project leads to a lot of contrasting imagery being made as it
leaves the audience to figure out what the scenario and environment around the
sitters, captured within his photographs, might be like. I feel that the use of
the close-up compositions enables the artist to create a focal point and leading
lines of focus within his imagery, whilst also intensifying the emotions, gestures,
and gaze visible within the photograph.
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