Instagram Creation Process.
Instagram Creation Process.
As part of my professional development blog, I was required to create my own photography-based Instagram account to showcase my work within a series of posts, linking back to the research I did previously based on other professional photography accounts and what I think makes them effective. I started work on my Instagram account in February creating the account under the name @tyler_and_camera, my first posts being a series of three images that I titled ‘Red’. From my previous research of other photography Instagram accounts, I knew that I wanted to use hashtags within my uploads to further reach an audience who may view my work via this social media platform. I also knew that I wanted to have the locations and sitters tagged within the uploads too (where applicable) to help me further my reach and my online presence. For the information within my bio, I kept it very simple, sticking to only the basics such as location, what I do, my other art-based Instagram account and my name since I didn’t have a website made at the time. I also started attempting to keep myself to a very strict kind of timeline for when I would upload new posts, for images in the same series I wanted to post them on the same day but a few hours in-between each post allowing time for the algorithm to showcase my work and extend my social media as far as possible before I uploaded a new post.creating my Instagram account I realised that my reach had dropped exponentially as I had left the account for some time to focus more on my studies and personal matters. I decided during this time that I would think about and plan a rebranding to my account – creating a whole new username, schedule for posting and I would come back with fresher and more recent work that I had done during that time away from the account. I started to post and upload my music photography in May which is also when I renamed my account @tyjos camera, this led to an increase in my following once more and the reach of my posts went back up for a short time. I still tried to keep myself to that same strict three times a day uploading schedule when possible but I also starting to use the story section of my account as well as on my other accounts to share my work to an even wider audience of people.
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